IQ3 facilitates and automates compliance and violation reports and enables the virtualization of video inspections, offering collaboration tools to increase efficiencies and minimize inaccuracies. 


Stacked-MGO Integrated Partner Shield - IQ3

IQ3 Enterprise Integration with

Super-charge your permits, licensing & code enforcement inspections process!

Revcord is a fully integrated MGO Partner.  Revcord’s IQ3 Enterprise Software provides MGO Customers with an inspection tool like no other. Designed to streamline the inspection process either in the field or virtually. IQ3 is an easy-to-use APP-based tool configured to the normal workflow and checklist of the inspector and can be used on any Android or iOS mobile device. IQ3 can also virtualize the Inspector workload where necessary. Conducting Remote Video Inspections, or RVI, is especially useful in reducing “re-inspect” trips and conducting standard annual “re-permitting” inspections.  Request a free demo and have all your questions addressed in person!

Plug in IQ3 and boost your MGO capabilities!

IQ3 Features and Capabilities

  • Compatible with any smart device (Android or Apple IOS).
  • Inspector workflow is configured to match inspection type (Ex., Code Enforcement, Permitting, or fire)
  • Reports are automatically completed and uploaded.
  • Captures photos and records video of any inspection.
  • Digital “On Screen” Measuring tool equipped.
  • Live stream capability of every event.
  • Video Conferencing with up to 10 participants during any inspection.
  • Initiate RVIs from the MGO Web Console
  • Schedule and Initiate On-Site Inspections from MGO Mobile App
  • IQ3 Inspection Confirmations immediately accessible in the MGO portal.
  • Supervisor Event Monitoring from the MGO Web Console
  • Reports Requests, Generation, and Sharing from MGO Web Console
  • …and much more!

How It Works

Mobile App Client

Cloud-Based Enterprise Software

Why It Works

The Problem
The Solution
The Value