Uninterrupted Safety for Your Calls with RevStream & RevSync

The Most Advanced Call Recording Security with Fail-Safe Backup, Live Monitoring, and Redundant Hardware and Failover Protocols!

RevSync Now Adds AI-Powered Channel Monitoring to enhance the accuracy of your RevWatch Alerts

RevWatch is the most secure cloud-based application that receives and manages alerts and notifications pertaining to the health and status of your local logger. RevWatch is now learning from all data available in our Cloud Infrastructure that aims to provide you with the most accurate Alert Monitoring Service in our industry.

Call Logging Technology for Mission-Critical Public Safety Answering Points is changing fast, and Revcord is leading the charge.  Adding RevStream and RevSync to your new or current logger provides the ultimate in security and availability. 

Revcord provides all the necessary hardware and software for these two services at no cost to you, you only pay the annual maintenance fees and installation cost.

Stay Connected, Stay Secure: It's Simple and Affordable with Revcord