The Revcord story began in 2008, created by our leader and entrepreneur, Charles “Trey” Schwarz. Our Vision is to achieve widespread adoption in the government public safety arena and the creation of new channels in the small to medium-sized business (SMB) market by delivering affordable, innovative, and highly scalable voice-logging and multimedia recording solutions.

Revcord’s comprehensive call recording and call monitoring products enable customers to address the needs of Public Safety as well as Liability and Compliance concerns, ensure Call Quality, and maximize Operational Efficiency. The IQ3 Enterprise Solution is a Multimedia Logging Platform that delivers a highly configurable end-user tool for Surveys, Inspections, and Investigations that incorporates, organizes, and compiles all workflow processes and delivers customized reports, including checklists, pictures, videos, and related supplementary documents.

Revcord provides simple, practical, and cost-effective voice-logging and video recording options for government organizations and small and medium-sized businesses that reduce their expenses, provide state-of-the-art integrated multimedia recording, mitigate their risk, and enhance the user experience.


We envision that our multimedia communication and recording solutions will empower those who need it the most. This includes, but by far is not limited to those engaged in Campus Security, the Military, Space Exploration, Aviation, Public Transportation, Utilities, and Law Enforcement. We also envision that this capability will translate to a society that is safer, more functional, and more accountable due to our seamless communication technology. 


With over 15 years of experience, Revcord Technology has proudly served over 1,500 PSAPs (Public Safety Answering Points) in the United States and Canada. Our sustained growth is a testament to our technological prowess, user-friendly solutions, and unwavering commitment to service excellence.

While our origins lie in the realm of public safety, we have now expanded our influence into diverse commercial markets. Our latest achievement is the widespread adoption of our IQ3 Enterprise Video Inspection Platform. This innovative solution has found its place within municipalities for code enforcement, as well as the Oil & Gas and shipping industries for both on-hire and off-hire inspections.

Our journey continues, and we remain dedicated to delivering cutting-edge technology and exceptional service to all our valued clients.